animal farm中英文对照
1. Bravery is not enough, Loyalty and obedience are more important
- 勇敢是不够的,忠诚和服从更为重要。
2. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today. One false step, and our enemies would be upon us
- 纪律,同志们,铁的纪律!这是我们今天的口号。一步走错,我们的仇敌便会来颠覆我们。
3. The animals were happy as they had never conceived it possible to be
- 动物们都幸福愉快,而这一切,是他们从前连想都不敢想的。
4. All that year the animals worked like slaves
- 那一年,动物们干起活来就像奴隶一样。
这些摘录反映了小说中的核心主题,即权力腐败、忠诚与背叛,以及革命理想的扭曲。《Animal Farm》不仅是一部文学作品,也是一部具有深刻政治含义的作品,它提醒人们警惕权力滥用和革命理想的背离。